Posted by : Unknown
Saturday, August 18, 2012
A fast, lagfree, customizable Rom.
Based on DXLC1 customized System Firmware
System Features:
- Rooted
- Deodexed all system apks
- Based Rom Original From DXLC1 (not cooked from another rom) Highly Costumized
- Arabic font plugin
- Zipalign all apks on boot
- Init.d script support
- A2sd Darktremor / Amarul a2sdx support
- Adw Launcher Ex as default launcher
- ICS Iconized with green default style
- New application location management setting
- New about rom setting like miui
- Navigation button bar (Trial Version)
- EDT Tweak + Battery bar + 13 toggle on status bar
- adding animation on statusbar
- New audio boster bass just using DSPmanager without using tweak audo or other audio installer
- new animation transtition
- AOSP Lockscreen and Milocker app
- New Repencis Labs merge sparepart and quickpanel
- - System Replacer to change any system file
- - Anti Bootloop to make flashable zip file
- - Startup manager to manage on boot apps
- - Media scanner to rescan system/sdcard database
- - Bang samsul code to see samsul secret code
- - DCSMS Customizoid to customize carrier, icon system, main background, theme switcher
- And many more......
- New kernel builded
- Adding 17 CPU Governer
- Adding 5 i/o schudler
- Swap support
- Droidwall support
- Cool Ram Management
- Fast booting and shutdown
- Other tweaked things
- EXT2, EXT3, EXT4 Support ( auto mount sd-ext as ext4 just format ur sd-ext to ext2/ext3 but in this rom automatic format to ext4 sd-ext)
- a2sd darktremor and Amarul a2sdx support
- Fix problem from latest version
- And many more.......
Download: Click here.
We will not be responsible for any damage of your phone, do a full backup with TB and CWMRecovery if needed. Flash this at your own responsibility. No one will be liable for any damages.
More info at xda thread: