Posted by : Unknown
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
This is a rom by sohan rawat from xda-developers based off CyanogenMod7 v2 port for the Galaxy Young.
- Based on CM7.2
- 90% Jelly Bean look
- 4-way reboot mod
- Adrenaline Engine 4.4 (Thanks to imbawind)
- Bravia Engine (Thanks to Sony)
- Contact Remover (Thanks to HolyHog Software)
- CyanAlarm, CyanTone, CyanMessage and CyanPing tone (Thanks to CyanogenMod & Squadzone)
- CM10 Wallpaper (Thanks to CyanogenMod)
- DroidWall (Thanks to Rodrigo Zechin Rosauro)
- GAPPS + Google Play Store 3.10.10 (Thanks to Google)
- Holo Launcher 2.0.1 (Thanks to Mobint)
- Jelly Bean Theme mod [ahmadsafar] (Thanks to Kaushal Rox, AChep, & DriffeX)
- MegaBass mod (thanks to geva28)
- Mms.apk from CM7 RC5.7 (Thanks to Squadzone)
- Task Manager from CyanMobileX (Thanks to Squadzone)
- S2E 3.0.2 (Thanks to OlegKrikun)
- 14safar run-script
- V6 SuperCharger (Thanks to zeppelinrox)
- build.prop tweaks
- Built-in V6 SuperCharger (Thanks to zeppelinrox)
- CM10 Bootanimation (Thanks to antibillOS)
- Roboto fonts from CM10 (Thanks to CyanogenMod)
- ICS/JB Phone Incall style (Thanks to YudhiezChitilieaz)
- ICS/JB Big Contact Photo
- Patched /system/etc/hosts file from CyanMobileX (Thanks to Squadzone)
- JB Desk Clock Widget (Thanks to CyanogenMod)
- JB Settings Style + multi-language (Thanks to CyanogenMod)
- BEATSManager (Thanks to geva28)
Known bugs:
- Bluetooth
- Media scanning
- Playing hd videos and game
- Very small colour flickring (not all the time) not a major bug
- Other known bugs with CM7
Download - Click here.
Doing the below procedure could lead to damaging your phone (soft-brick).
GalaxyYArchive will not be responsible for any unrecoverable damages, loss of data and other possible consequences, do this at your own risk!
- Flash any stock rom
- Root your phone after that
- Flash a kernel that supports CM7, e.g. white's kernel (1.0.1 or 1.3.3)
- Boot into ClockworkMod recovery
- Wipe data then cache
- Go to mounts and storage and be sure to select mount /system
- Go back and choose to install zip from sdcard
- Select the option choose zip from sdcard
- Find the CyanJelly zip file and select it, then select yes
- Wait till it is done installing
- After installation is complete, press the Power button to go back and select reboot system now