Posted by : Unknown
Friday, March 16, 2012
A very handy tool for our phone when you are somewhere out in the woods, the power goes down and you don't have a real flashlight with you, well this is the solution.
I have used it several times and it's perfect, not only white color but you get to choose various options.
The first is regular light (White) by clicking the button on the center.
Second is warning lights, good to show some signals.
Third is lightbulb. Pretty much the same as the first but in a form of a lightbulb but on this one you can change the contrast and colors.
Fourth is color light, you can change the colors by dragging with your finger up/down/left/right to starting from light colors to dark.
Fifth is police lights. I did a prank with that one to my parent's room, it's pretty awesome. :)
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